Stuck For Ideas? Five Fast Ways To Fill Your Content Calendar

a woman making a content plan using a laptop

Content is king – it’s a phrase you hear all the time. But consistent delivery is draining, especially when you’re in a rush. Creating a social media campaign or drafting an eBook can take weeks. And planning for the future is all well and good, but how do you put something out now?

Below, we’ve compiled a useful list of quick content wins that ultimately boost your brand presence. Read on to stay relevant…

1. What’s behind the brand 

Every brand has a story – and telling that story is a powerful way of humanising your business. Customers don’t buy from brands; they buy from people. One of the best – and easiest – ways to connect with your audience is to invite them behind the scenes and bring them along on your brand journey

It takes two minutes to post a picture of your team’s last social on Twitter. Five minutes to brainstorm a monthly round-up of what’s been going on for LinkedIn. Ten minutes to film a quick tour of your office for Tik Tok.

Putting a face (or faces) to your brand ultimately creates a sense of authenticity while showcasing your personality – and takes no time at all.

2. Share your successes 

Branding is all about standing out – and that means demonstrating why you’re worlds apart from your competitors. Don’t be afraid to show off your successes. 

And sharing positive results doesn’t have to mean an in-depth case study or report. Got some good feedback from a customer recently? Beaten your targets for the quarter? Highlight your successes with a quick social media post – including a branded graphic if you can afford the time.

Demonstrating results shows you know what you’re doing, boosting brand credibility while you’re at it.

3. Become a beacon of knowledge 

If building trust is a key business objective for you, then you should definitely add compelling thought leadership posts to your content arsenal. This type of content doesn’t have to be dry – you can publish your insights in an eBook, LinkedIn newsletter, webinar, report, guide, tutorial, or short-form video. 

That said, an eBook or webinar takes time and effort to prepare. So, how do you quickly get across your expertise? Consider writing a short blog or sharing bulleted social media posts to keep your audience engaged.

4. Embrace the meme medium

Memes have become a cornerstone of digital culture – and they’re also one of the most affordable ways of getting your brand noticed. It’s humorous content that can be easily produced in apps like Canva and GIPHY – or even using the handy Meme Generator tool. 

And it’s a quick win. See a trending topic that resonates with your brand story? Take ten minutes to draft a social media post with a popular meme to tap into the zeitgeist in a fun way. If you strike a chord with your audience, you’ll even have a chance at going viral. Fast, cheap, and cheerful!

5. Ask your audience questions

Who says you have to have all the answers? Polls and questions are a quick way to engage an audience and let them do the talking. Think about it – you’re starting a conversation. It shows that you value their input, while also allowing you to gain valuable feedback and pointers for improvement. 

In the event that you uncover an underrepresented group or issue, you can expand on the topic in future marketing campaigns, secure exciting opportunities, or develop new products. It takes no time at all to ask your audience a question.

…most importantly, keep track of each post’s results so you can see what’s striking a chord with your audience and what’s falling on deaf ears. 

Turn to MYC to take the load off

Want an even quicker, easier solution to consistent and effective content delivery? Outsource!Making You Content is a team of highly experienced content creators (it’s what we’re named for, after all). Whether you’re stuck for ideas, find yourself reusing the same old formats, or just run out of time, count on us to breathe new life into your marketing. Reach out to get started today.

Words by Kelly


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